lunes, 14 de octubre de 2019

Kathra - Hero Board

Hi everyone,

    After restoring the Hero card, my next step was going to be restoring the Hero board.

    Here you can see the Hero board for Kathra, a dwarf female paladin.

The board for Kathra, a Shield of Moradin

     This board is useful for the player to take into account how many Spell Points or Hit Points are left, what items are in use or in their kanpsack. On top of that, this board shows the Hero's movement, Armour Class and Knapsack size. Moreover, it reminds the player which special actions the Hero can take.

    I based my restoration in a scann of a Hero board for Orwick, the Druid. Using that image I was able to find how to recreate each part. For example, the background noise is the same for the Dungeon Master's Guide or the Player's Guide.

    Here you can find the template to create your own Heroes: Download.

Thank you for still reading this blog.

1 comentario:

  1. Bonjour,
    me gusta mucho lo que haces, ¡es un trabajo muy agradable!
    Descargué tus archivos para crear mapas franceses.
    Seguiré tu blog porque me inspira y trataré de crear también tableros de juego.
