domingo, 17 de marzo de 2019

Booby Traps and a surprise

Hi everyone.

It is a pleasure to be back.

Just to recap, I stopped writting this blog meanwhile I was searching for good D&D images that matched the look and feel of the original game for my already designed cards.

Some weeks ago, some users from the Board Game Geek web page encouraged me to go on with this blog and I have decided to come back with a new template for you (thanks everybody for your support).

Today I introduce you to my new Booby Trap card template:

These Booby Trap cards were shuffled with all the rest of treasure cards and the Heroes could have enough bad luck to draw one of them and suffer a trap or a curse.

As you may know, this kind of cards only came with the base game and there were only 7 cards of this type. If we choose to play with an expansion set, the probability of drawing one of these Booby Trap cards goes down.

It is time for making opening chests even more exciting... Let me introduce you the Mimic:

The Mimic is one of the most classical monsters from D&D and it is also one of the most dreaded among the Heroes.

Note: I have been unable to do a print test for this card template yet so I still don't know is the card color matches the one from the Booby Traps from the base game. Print it at your own risk :)

Here you can download it: Booby Trap template

Thanks a lot for still coming to this blog.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hola Nalum
    Podrias subir las fuentes de letra del tutorial de crear cartas propias a un sistema de alojamiento?

    Es que fuy a buscar esas fuentes y los dos enlaces estan caidos (Celestia Antigua y Vitriol).

    Muchas gracias :)

    1. Hola Alejandro Vera García. Siento no haberme dado cuenta antes de que habías dejado un comentario pero parece ser que se me había desactivado la notificación por correo.

      Hay un magnífico grupo en Discord para este juego en el que hablamos de creación de material:

      Ahí tenemos un enlace a un Dropbox donde encontrarás las fuentes:

      Muchas gracias por leer este blog.

  2. Nalum, eres un grande, te sigo desde hace años, y pensaba que ya lo habias dejado, una gran sorpresa encontrarme con que sigues activo en 2020. Sigue asi.

    1. Gracias otra vez Durotar por seguir este blog.

      Ya son casi diez años desde que pensé que crear una expansión sería fácil y rápido :P
